Basic E-commerce Website E-SMART (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) (Ongoing)
Developed an Website to buy Electronic items.
Interactive user interfaces that elevate the overall user experience.
User Login Functionality also Implemented.
Crypto Tracker (HTML, CSS, React, Node, Express, Mongoose, Machine Learning) (Group)
Developed a website on Crypto Currency Tracker.
API is used to fetch crypto details and working on it.
Machine Learning Model is used to predict the prices of Crypto coins, Algorithm used is xgboost.
Python Libraries used for visual representation of data obtained from ML model.
User Login and Signup implemented.
Home Page (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Developed a Landing page of a sample company.
Responsive Home page is Designed.
JavaScript is used for rendering the HTML
Login/SignUp Form (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Developed a Landing Web Page to Login and SignUp.
Rock Paper Scissors Game (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Implemented JavaScript Concepts.
User can play with computer and it have different Functionalies.